Student Satisfaction
AGU ranked 1st in the list of Turkish universities which students are most satisfied with.

Career Opportunities
%100 English undergraduate program, international experience, learner-oriented active learning environment, new generation courses, young and dynamic faculty members enable our graduates thrive in the business world.
Cooperation of AGU and Rennes School of Business
Cooperation Agreement for opening a double degree program was signed.
Dr. Umut Turk at University of Milano-Bicocca.
Dr. Umut Turk worked as a visiting researcher at University of Milano-Bicocca.
Fall Semester curriculum and course contents
We met with our students about the design of the fall semester curriculum and the course contents.
the guest of our seminar series "N. Gregory MANKIW"
World-renowned economist N. Gregory MANKIW was the guest of our seminar series "What Do Economists Do?"
Financial and Economic Literacy Training
Financial and Economic Literacy Training for High School Students
Assoc. Prof. Eyup Dogan Named Among the ''World's Most Influential Scientists''
Assoc. Prof Eyup Dogan has been included in the "World's Most Influential Scientists" list.
A seminar on "Testing for Aggregate Instability in An Open Economy: A Case For Turkey" was presented by Assistant Professor Yusuf Ömür Yılmaz.
Our students visited the Gümüşsuyu Carpet Factory facilities.
Our students visited the Gümüşsuyu Carpet Factory facilities.